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14 & 15 September
Split, Croatia

A new way to bring the
World’s Developers Together
Shift Dev 2020
supported by

A two-day open air and hybrid Developer conference specifically created to continue the tradition of delivering amazing educational and inspirational talks that the developer community has come accustomed to but in a format fit for the world we live in today.
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Ivan Burazin - CEO Codeanywhere


We strongly believe that we must move forward as a community but following all the health and security rules and guidelines. That's why this year the in person segment of Shift Dev will still be on the beautiful mediternean cost of Split, Croatia, but this time we have traded history closed venues for open air ones. So you can expect a little bit of a different vibe to this year's event, although we will still have some of the best speakers in the world, it will be a laid back summer afternoon outdoor event, directly ending with a beach afterparty.

Ivan Burazin - CEO Codeanywhere


Something new this year that we picked up along they way, as we know not every can and also not everyone wants to travel so that is why we are making Shift Dev a Hybrid event. What does that mean? Well for starters all talks will be professionally streamed so anyone from around the world can tune in. Second you will be able to chat remotely with everyone at the event - both live and remote, and lastly you will be able to remotely ask all the speakers direct questions via our Remote only AMA with each of our speakers! So in Short you get to meet new people, listen to all the talks and talk directly to the speakers themselves!

Ivan Burazin - CEO Codeanywhere


With just under 1.000 in-person, and about 10.000 virtual attendees like yourself attending the conference to discuss the latest frameworks and methods. You’ll be able to meet new people, share ideas and opinions without making it awkward. Everybody here is excited to meet - no matter where they are from.

Ivan Burazin - CEO Codeanywhere


Apart from making new friends, you’ll also be able to find new clients and partners. A lot of people come to the Shift Dev conference with problems, as well as solutions. Whether you’ve got the former or the latter, you’ll certainly able to find what you need.



Shift Dev is gathering representatives from the whole Dev sector, no matter their size or stage - these are just some of them.

And many more

2020 Speakers

Nader Dabit
Nader Dabit
Senior Developer Advocate at Amazon Web Services
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Vitaly Friedman
Vitaly Friedman
Creative Lead at Smashing Magazine
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Jo Franchetti
Jo Franchetti
Developer Advocate at Ably Realtime
Read more
Darko Zelic
Darko Zelic
Engineering Manager at Freshbooks
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Ivan Knezovic
Ivan Knezovic
Executive Director of IT at RBA
Read more
Kresimir Kuhar
Kresimir Kuhar
DevOps Engineer at ReversingLabs
Read more
Ivan Culjak
Ivan Culjak
Cloud Whisperer at Celeste Maze
Read more
Tibor Simic
Tibor Simic
Senior Enterprise Developer at RBA
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Nils Binder
Nils Binder
Lead Frontend Designer at 9elements
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Marton Kodok
Marton Kodok
Senior Software Architect at REEA
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Petar Marijanovic
Petar Marijanovic
Senior Android Engineer at FIVE
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Ivana Milicic
Ivana Milicic
CEO at Emondo Design
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Ana Baotic
Ana Baotic
Project Manager at Asseco SEE
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Ivan Brezak Brkan
Ivan Brezak Brkan
Chief Editor and Founder at Netokracija
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Peter Hopwood
Peter Hopwood
Master of ceremony at Hopwood Speaker Coaching
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Ivan Burazin
Ivan Burazin
CEO at Shift
Read more


Tobias Ahlin
Experience Design Director at
Tobias Ahlin
"Shift is an amazing place. I've seen some amazing talks here with some great speakers. Also I'm baffled - not how much I learn, but how I learn that I don't know yet, so I go home from this inspired and keen on learning more."
Tobias Ahlin
Harry Roberts
Consultant Performance Engineer at
CSS Wizardry CSS Wizardry
Harry Roberts
"Shift stands out as a rare gem in a world of cookie cutter tech conferences. Listening to insightful talks from the brightest minds of today’s tech scene while surrounded by the enchanting history of a town built nearly two millenia ago, you’d be hard pressed to find a more inspiring blend of past and future. Oh, and it’s the most fun you’ll have all year!"
Harry Roberts
DeVaris Brown
Product Manager at
DeVaris Brown
"I love the community here, I love what they have done for the developer community. This is one of my favourite conference to come to - every single year."
DeVaris Brown
Una Kravets
Developer Advocate at
Una Kravetsl
"Shift was a really exciting glance into the tech community of Split. I was really impressed with the venue, the people and conversations I had there, and feel really lucky that I had a chance to explore the city itself."
Una Kravetsl
Rich Harris
Graphics Editor at
NY Times
Rich Harris
"It's a great conference, great venue, attendees are really engaged and it been very, very well organised."
Rich Harris

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Browse through the schedule and see which talks interest you the most.
14:00 - 15:00
In short – Who's who. We get to know a little about you, and you get to know a little about us through the course of the conference
15:00 - 15:20
Opening Ceremony
Ivan Burazin (Shift)
An opportunity to see all of the people in one place, before everybody heads to workshops, and lectures
15:20 - 15:50
How Studying History of Arts Helped me Become a Better Frontend Engineer
Nils Binder (9elements)
You may think, art history and frontend development do not have much in common. Well, you may be surprised. Some of the problems we have to deal with today were discussed in art history long before the invention of the Internet. Also, the skills needed to analyze a piece of art correctly show significant similarity to the capabilities required to implement modern layouts with CSS. This talk will show you how to analyze a static layout by looking beyond pixels. Instead, you will understand why a given design works the way it does and translate this to modern CSS.
15:50 - 16:15
Apache Flink as Building Block for Streaming Applications
Tibor Simić (RBA)
Banking software traditionally relies on batch processing for large and complex data sets. Adding stream processing to the mix improves speed and scaling capabalities. For the past nine years, Apache Flink has emerged as an intriguing streaming framework, with attractive capabilities including distributed runtime, custom memory management, statefulness and fault-tolerance with optional exactly-once guarantees. In this presentation, we look into our experience with Flink as a tool for building a modern data-driven platform, from curveballs to pleasant surprises.
16:15 - 16:45
Have a break, even if it's just a cocktail.
16:45 - 17:15
Build Your Own IoTshirt
Jo Franchetti (Ably Realtime)
Remember tshirts that changed color with temperature? Now we can build ones that change with any data input! It could be the music you’re listening to, the weather, texts from your friends… We’ll cover how to make a flexible, Wifi enabled, LED display and make it respond to a data stream. We'll talk about how to connect a microprocessor to wifi and how to use the MQTT protocol, a small amount of C (for the microprocessor) and some JavaScript to connect it up to a realtime data stream. For our talk demo, the data will be coming from the audience using a web app that allows them to select pixels on the tshirt and change their colour. All hardware hacking experience welcome, none required! The aim of the talk is to demystify hardware for software developers and to encourage everyone to give IoT a try.
17:15 - 17:45
Inhibiting the Impostor
Ana Baotic (Asseco SEE)
Have you ever had an experience where a small voice in your head prevented you from acting on an idea, stopped you from sharing your knowledge or trying something new, or maybe even made you feel like your achievements were nothing special? That voice is more common than you think! In this talk we will go over the basic steps that will help you materialize, deconstruct and take control of that voice, helping you distinguish the useful bits of information that can help you grow from the overwhelming debris and clutter. You will learn how to notice the early signs of its onset and manage the situation to your benefit. Finally, you will learn to use simple tools that will help you recognize and acknowledge your achievements and help yourself and others fight the invisible menace.
17:45 - 18:30
Dinner Break
sponsored by PseudoCode
Everybody needs fuel (part two), and of course a great networking opportunity.
18:30 - 19:00
Attractive Things Work Better
Ivana Miličić (Emondo Design)
As human beings, we enjoy beautiful and attractive products. But have you ever noticed these type of products also seem to work better? The reason for that is our emotional system, which has a significant impact on how our cognitive system operates. When we interact with an artifact, its appearance has an immediate emotional effect on us. Emotions tell us if the situation is safe or dangerous, good or bad. They influence all the decisions we are making. In this talk, I will explain why and how emotions can influence a product’s success and what role visuals play in producing them. Through various examples, I will demonstrate how humans perceive objects, why establishing a clear visual hierarchy is essential, and how details matter.
19:00 - 19:30
Automating Dynamic Malware Analysis
Kresimir Kuhar (ReversingLabs)
Using a devops toolchain for deploying, maintaining and monitoring dynamic malware analysis sandbox solutions. When it comes to determining if a file is malicious or not there is a lot to take into consideration before you can give your final answer. Sometimes a benign looking word document can encrypt your files and sometimes important piece of software can be classified as malware. To be able to determine which is which you need to use a plethora of tools working together to give you the necessary data for such decision. Some of these tools include malware analysis sandboxes. These tools are used for executing files in isolated environments and tracking the behavior of said files. Setup of such an environment is no trivial task but things get much more complicated when you need to analyze tens of thousands files per day using more than one sandbox solution. My day to day job includes using different tools and technologies for deploying and automating such systems so that end users being threat analysts or client companies can get their data just by uploading a file via REST API. Tools and technologies that I use include python, ceph, jenkins, ansible, kvm, Virtualbox, influxdb, grafana, rmq and some more. The end result is a system that provides some of the data that is used for identifying if some file is malicious or not and what is the impact of running that file on your system. It has its own flaws and benefits, limitations and advantages and it is the most useful when it is observed as just a part of your defense and threat intelligence tool belt.
10:00 - 11:00
Pick up your badge, familiarise yourself with the schedule and the venue's layout and meet other attendees before things get hectic.
11:00 - 12:15
12:25 - 12:45
12:45 - 13:15
Lunch Break
Have a break, even if it's just a cocktail.
14:00 - 16:00
16:00 - 16:20
Coffee Break
Everybody needs fuel (part two), and of course a great networking opportunity.
16:20 - 18:00
21:00 - 02:00
After Party
Chillax, network and mingle. You won't be sorry
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:30
From Autonomy to Excellence
Darko Zelic (Freshbooks)
Many engineering companies claim to have a 'flat structure' and 'self-organising teams'. But how many of these are truly extraordinary? Hear some recipes on how to grow amazing engineering teams and foster a healthy culture.
15:30 - 16:15
IT architecture in 2020 - faster, better and with more data!
Ivan Brezak Brkan (Netokracija) - Moderator,
Ivan Knezović (RBA),
Darko Zelic (Freshbooks),
Marton Kodok (REEA),
Krešimir Kuhar (ReversingLabs)
How to think of your scalable it architecture in 2020 whether you're a startup, scaleup or corporation that wants to use data to provide their users with faster and better services.
16:15 - 16:45
Have a break, even if it's just a cocktail.
16:45 - 17:15
Applying BigQuery ML on E-commerce Data Analytics
Marton Kodok (REEA)
One of the hottest topics in database land these days is BigQuery ML. A new way to use machine learning on top of tabular data straight on your tables without leaving the query editor. With BigQuery ML, you can build machine learning models without leaving the database environment and training it on massive datasets. In this demo session, we are going to demonstrate common marketing Machine Learning use cases how to build, train, eval and predict, your own scalable machine learning models using SQL language.

The audience will get first hand experience how to write CREATE MODEL sql syntax to build machine learning models such as:
Multiclass logistic regression for classification, K-means clustering, Matrix factorization, ARIMA time series predictions, Import TensorFlow models for prediction in BigQuery.

Models are trained and accessed in BigQuery using SQL — a language data analysts know. This enables business decision making through predictive analytics across the organization without leaving the query editor.
17:15 - 17:45
Cloud cockroaches
Ivan Culjak (Celeste Maze)
There's a "saying" that with the migration to the cloud we've started treating our servers as cattle instead of pets, and now with the migration to serverless we're treating them like cockroaches :)
The thing is... infrastructure costs money, and paying for infrastructure when you're not using it is wasting money. This brings us to the conclusion that there's no sense in having pets around the world if we only need them once in a while. The problem is that if we scale down our VM's and a considerable load comes, we won't be able to scale up quickly or even scale up at all if the process is only manually triggered. That's precisely the topic of this talk :)

We're gonna talk about ideas and concepts on how to run a system in a way that we provision, deploy, and scale automatically, in time and without any stress. You'll see that being in a single region or all over the world, on one cloud or on a bunch of clouds, is but a small detail. Yeah, you're gonna hear about containers, serverless, managed services, event-driven, etc... but don't worry. We're going to focus on the abstract idea and concepts of how that system works, communicates, fails, heals, etc., and we can discuss the tech details afterward ;)
17:45 - 18:30
Dinner Break
sponsored by PseudoCode
Everybody needs fuel (part two), and of course a great networking opportunity.
18:30 - 19:00
Kotlin Mobile
Petar Marijanovic (FIVE)
Between projects, Petar was a part of the FIVE RnD team for Kotlin Multiplatform, and they were able to create an Multiplatform architecture which lets developers focus on the important (business logic), but takes care of the threading, lifecycle and other everyday nuances. Later on, that architecture was used on a real world project for a client by other developers and proven great. This talk will cover everything from the initial idea to the production ready architecture.
19:00 - 19:30
Closing Ceremony
Be sure to be there!
10:00 - 11:00
Pick up your badge, familiarise yourself with the schedule and the venue's layout and meet other attendees before things get hectic.
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:45
12:45 - 13:45
Have a break, even if it's just a cocktail.
13:45 - 16:00
16:00 - 16:20
Coffee Break
Everybody needs fuel (part two), and of course a great networking opportunity.
16:20 - 17:35
17:35 - 18:00
Closing ceremony
Be sure to be there!

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